Normal SEO companies are driven by managers who have not scaled multiple businesses to 6,7, and 8 figures in 1-2 years. They have not been there and done it – because, let’s face it, if they were THAT good, they would be ranking their own websites and making money from affiliates, display ads, lead generation, rank to rent, and many more models you can make money from in SEO.
Myles has – he’s started Essheo after he’s built websites up organically such as Boiler Central £12,000,000 in 2 years, Value Doors £1,350,000 in year one and £4,500,000 in 2 years after a website takeover. All spearheaded by SEO.
What you get with Essheo, is a proven SEO expert who is running Essheo because he loves SEO, not for the money. This is the difference.
You get an expert with his stripes, and clients have confidence that he will never have to work for anyone else again as he is a top-class SEO with multiple websites turning over well over £25,000,000.
If you do not choose Essheo the first time and get poor results elsewhere, you can not make up for lost time. You HAVE to use an expert and you need to rank today, not in 12 months time.
It’s harder for us to undo poor SEO than it is to do it from the start.