UK Composite Doors

We managed this website (and still do) from domain purchase to ranking number 2 for ‘composite doors’ nationwide in the UK in just 2 years. One of our latest excellent evidential examples in the home improvement industry.

50+ Qualified Leads in 3 Months

Services Delivered

Search engine optimisation

PR and backlinks

User Experience (UX)

The Results


Visitors in just 2 years


Keywords in pos 1-3


Google Ads traffic value

The Brief

To rank number 1 in 2 years for the head term ‘composite doors’ (we got position 2, so not too bad, soon to be pos.1)

The Solution

Essheo built this from scratch, from domain purchase WordPress set up and WooCommerce product imports – everything. We then managed the SEO with a budget of £6,500 per month to drive consistent content growth and relevant backlinks. We introduced some PR and very niche topically relevant links in year 2, driving further success on the solid foundations that we had built.

50+ Qualified Leads in 3 Months

Other Projects

Case Study 4

Case study tagline to go here!

Case Study 3

Case study tagline to go here!